Monday, January 18, 2016

Sweet heaven it has been cold around here.  I love winter running... but my legs just couldn't take this fiery chill.  The temps have been hovering around 2 degrees to way below zero.... which would almost be doable if the wind wouldn't pick up those days... ;-(  Anyway, I have been getting in some runs at the gym.  I don't mind.  Do I prefer to be outside?  Uh, HELL YES... but you do what you have to do.  ;-)

Check out this great article!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

3 Degrees, very windy = Windchill of -21 degrees.  THAT IS COLD!  I could only pull off 3 miles this am in the dark and the cold before my legs stung so bad I wanted to yell obscenities for part of my run. ;-)  Looks like I will do some more tonight at the gym. ;-)  

Monday, January 11, 2016

Feeling a tiny bit better today!  After taking pretty much a full week off of running, I am back at it!  My legs felt so wonderfully rested this am.  Lifted some weights this am too.  ;-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sick.... horrible cold.  Its bad enough that I can't mentally think let alone run. HA!  So I have rested Sunday, Monday and now today.  I will run Wed, Friday and Saturday.  Long run is still on the books.... I don't want to skip it.  I do think my body needs rest or a wrecking ball for that matter... ;-)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day two of 2016 and I have 41 miles in.... its going to be a RUNderful year!!!!  Well, as long as I don't do any more long runs on a treadmill.... but darn it I was cold this am..... Wow, and look at my matted down sweaty hair?!!!  Sorry to those who had to see this. HA!